TYTAN 2023
14 june 2023
Tomaszowice near Kraków
TYTAN are the unique prizes granted by Wydawnictwo INŻYNIERIA sp. z o.o. and the outstanding Jury, invited to participate. Jury consists of academics, industry representatives and editors-in-chief of Wydawnictwo INŻYNIERIA’s magazines. YTAN prizes are awarded to trenchless industry representatives since 2003. The upcoming award ceremony took place on June 22, during the ceremonial Gala.
The statue depicts a muscular man, a titan, a symbol of power and power. His torso is entwined with vines, an element of nature, emphasizing symbiosis with nature and trenchless technologies being in harmony with the environment. TYTAN has been designed by Andrzej Krawczak, a sculptor from Kraków. The statuettes are made in the steelworks in Kraków, and then hand-made by the artist.
The winners will be selected by a committee consisting of:

Adam Bok
Passive corrosion protection of line pipes - product quality supervision key to investment success

Mirosław Cecuga
BlueLine®. Proven, flawless and safe for the local community CIPP technology. New proposals for the Polish market Concentrated knowledge, decades of worldwide experience and the vision of Diringer&Schiedel , Pipe Aqua Tec GmbH, RS Technik AG, Applied Felts Ltd...

Otakar Cigler
Business Development Manager Central and Eastern Europe at Rädlinger Primus Line Trenchless Technology professional with 14 years of experience in sewer and pipeline rehabilitation with various methods. Graduate from Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University...

Maciej Durbas
Effective dispute resolution in the construction industry. Why is it worth "going into" arbitration?

Tomasz Fischer
Durable and safe: why CIPP drinking water resins must be exceptional AOC is a global supplier of specialty resins that enable customers to create tough, durable, and versatile products and components for applications in coatings and protective barriers, colorants and...

Markus Gillar
Project manager at IKT, a German research institute working on practical and underground pipeline issues, conducting research projects, tests, product studies, consultations and seminars. He studied civil engineering at Ruhr University in Bochum (specializing in water...

Mariusz Iwanejko
Unique Calculator for selecting the method and material of trenchless rehabilitation of gravity sewers - operational and performance benefits A unique tool called "SELECTION CALCULATOR" will be presented https://waterfolder.com/pl/app/renowacja-kanalow/ of CIPP liners...

Paweł Jagielski
Quickplanner3D – a new dimension in drilling planning Careful planning of the drilling route is crucial for any HDD drilling. However, calculating the optimal drilling route, taking into account all the factors that can affect its course, is a complex and often...

Jacek Jaworski
Critical issues of HDD technology for drilling crossing the marine shoreline The paper will be devoted to the presentation of basic technical and technological problems of HDD technology in the transition from an onshore to an offshore environment. The author will...

Tomasz Kamiński
Region Manager Hufgard Poland He holds a master's degree in civil engineering and surveying. As part of his business and professional development, he also obtained a construction license without limitations and completed a degree in sales management. He built his...

Atef Khemiri
Contract, which is a "BORING" topic The sustainability of the HDD industry depends on contractors' technical capabilities and performance, but also on their ability to properly manage projects from a contractual perspective. This presentation does not pretend to be a...

Andrzej Kolonko
Intelligent pistons in condition diagnostics of steel pressure pipelines Intelligent pistons are used in the diagnosis of gas and oil pipelines. These are pipelines with lengths of hundreds of kilometers. Their failure could pose a great threat to the environment and...

Mark Kopietz
Residual styrene in CIPP - Material and environmental impacts Styrene serves as a reactive thinner in UP and VE resins. During heat- or light-induced curing of CIPP, styrene leads to three-dimensional crosslinking of the resins. If this polymerization proceeds...

Robert Kostolany
From 2000 to 2019, he worked as product manager of basalt products in sewerage, and from 2019 as commercial director of Eutit, the largest producer of fused basalt in the world. The most interesting realizations of trenchless renovation using basalt

Piotr Kosz
Steinzeug-Keramo's solutions for trenchless construction and rehabilitation of sewer networks

Roland Kośka
Experiences of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in the application of microtunneling technology for the construction of trenchless sections of the gas transmission network Microtunneling is a commonly used trenchless technique by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., the primary technique for performing...

Paweł Kośmider
Absolwent Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie, gdzie studiował Wydziale Metali Nieżelaznych oraz na Wydziale Zarządzania i Marketingu. Od blisko 20 lat związany z branżą bezwykopową – jako wydawca, organizator konferencji i zagorzały zwolennik technologii no-dig,...

Jacek Kulig
I know plastic systems "almost" inside out. I have been engaged in professional consulting in the field of the application of plastic pipes and wells continuously for more than 25 years. I delve into the practical aspects from the side of system use, design, and...

Marek Kupś
President of the Management Board of Zakład Inżynierii Komunalnej sp. z o.o. in Trzcianka. Manager, local government, seeker of rationality, A graduate of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań - a sociologist. On building social PR around investments and more.......

Marian Kwietniewski

Cezary Madryas
He studied at the Faculty of Construction at the Wrocław University of Technology. He received his doctorate in technical sciences in 1982 and his habilitation degree, in 1993. He was awarded the title of professor of technical sciences in 2003. At the Wroclaw...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Cezary Madryas
Studiował na Wydziale Budownictwa Lądowego Politechniki Wrocławskiej w latach 1971–1976. Stopień doktora nauk technicznych uzyskał w 1982 r., a doktora habilitowanego w 1993 r. Tytuł naukowy profesora nauk technicznych nadano mu w 2003 r. Od 2007 r.pracuje na...

Dr inż. Beata Nienartowicz
Preparation of trenchless network rehabilitation investments at the pre-tender stage. Necessary step-by-step activities The authors of the workshop will discuss the successive stages of investment preparation for trenchless rehabilitation of underground networks. They...

Robert Osikowicz
Top 200 - statistical analysis of the largest HDD projects in history The paper shows the industry's experience in implementing extreme projects. The list includes projects completed between 1991 and 2023

Dymitr Petrow-Ganew
Graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Lodz, with a specialization in Heavy Machinery. He is a pioneer of trenchless technologies in Eastern Europe. Since 1993, he has been involved in the promotion of Horizontal Directional...

Florian Piechurski
Comparison of construction costs of gas networks low and medium pressure by different methods Analyses are presented comparing the cost of constructing gas networks for four projects using trench and trenchless methods. These analyses show that for the majority, the...

Paweł Popielski
Professor at Warsaw University of Technology, a specialist in hydraulic engineering, civil and environmental engineering. Head of the Department of Hydraulic and Hydraulic Engineering from 2014 to 2020, director of the Center for Geo and Hydrotechnical Analysis of the...

Marcin Prokop
Public speaking without secrets or how to control the presentation, the audience, and stage fright?

Bogdan Przybyła
CCTV inspection as an important part of ensuring the reliability of sewer network operation Pipeline surveys with cameras (CCTV) are carried out with a focus on different objectives - mention, first of all, surveys related to condition assessment for specific...

Klara Ramm
Investment needs of the water and sewer sector in the context of changes in EU law In recent years, there have been significant changes in EU law in the area of water management. We have a significantly revised directive on the quality of drinking water, which has...

Dr inż. Karol Ryż
Pracuje w Katedrze Budowy Mostów i Tuneli Politechniki Krakowskiej na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej. Ukończył studia na Wydziale Budownictwa Lądowego Politechniki Krakowskiej w 1977 roku (specjalność Teoria Konstrukcji). Stopień doktora nauk technicznych w dziedzinie...

Tomasz Szczepański
Preparation of trenchless network rehabilitation investments at the pre-tender stage. Necessary step-by-step activities The authors of the workshop will discuss the successive stages of investment preparation for trenchless rehabilitation of underground networks. They...

Andrzej Świątek
Andrzej Świątek A graduate of the Faculty of Construction, Architecture, and Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Lodz, he received his master's degree in Environmental Engineering in 1993. Throughout his career, he has been associated with the...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Wysokowski
General assumptions for guidelines on the design and construction of facilities using trenchless technologies Today's construction technologies are offering an increasing number of innovative solutions that enable the design and construction of facilities in a...

Edyta Zalewska
30 years of experience in trenchless technologies. Evaluation of the functionality of Uponor Infra solutions after many years of operation

Piotr Ziętara
Związany z Wodociągami Miasta Krakowa od 21 lat. W 2015 roku został Członkiem Zarządu Spółki, a następnie Wiceprezesem. Od 1 kwietnia 2017 roku pełni funkcję Prezesa Zarządu. W latach 2013 – 2015 był Pełnomocnikiem ds. Organizacji i Komunikacji Społecznej w Krakowskim...

Dariusz Zwierzchowski
Badania żelbetowych konstrukcji budowli inżynierskich W celu określenia aktualnego stanu technicznego budowli inżynierskich, oprócz inspekcji osobowej oraz inwentaryzacji uszkodzeń, należy przeprowadzić również specjalistyczne badania. Część z nich, (jak np. badania...
Domestic companies win the prize since 2003, in the following categories
- Project of the year – new installation
- Project of the year – renovation
- European project within the trenchless technologies
- Small trenchless project
- Product of the year
Once again, a special prize will also be awarded – the Titan Investor Laurel, which is a distinction for the investor of the winning projects in the categories Project of the Year – new installation, Project of the Year – renovation and Small Trenchless Project.
It is commendable that there is no similar award in Europe for the trenchless technology industry. In addition to rewarding Polish companies, one of the categories in which the award is given is the European Project of the Year. This category was created to recognise the achievements of European companies. It is an honour that our award is also recognised outside Poland. This is evidenced by the presence at the annual award ceremony of representatives of nominated companies from outside our country.
The prizes are awarded at the Gala during the annual International Conference, Exhibition and Technology Shows Trenchless ENGINEERING.
* small trenchless project – applies to projects up to 500,000. zł
TYTAN 2022
Project of the year – new installation
BOR-WIERT Sp. z o.o.
Construction of the culvert with the 2250 mm GRP pipe under the railway embankment in Białystok in microtunneling technology.
Crossing length– 115 m
GRP pipe diameter – DZ 2250 mm
Obstacle – railways – 9
Completion time: October 2021 – December 2022
Investor: Intercor Sp. z o.o.
Score: 36
GGT Solutions
As a part of the construction of the DN1000 high pressure gas line in the section of Goleniów – Ciecierzyce related directly to the Baltic Pipe project implementation in its inland part in the territory of Poland, GGTS company completed the total of four long Direct Pipe crossings and 14 short microtunneling and HDD drills. The Baltic Pipe is a record-breaking project in terms of the lengths of crossings. So far, the Direct Pipe borehole featuring the length of more than 1 km has not been completed in our country yet. The longest borehole, under the Warta River, that was 1440 m long was being made in the Wielkopolskie voivodeship near the city of Gorzów Wielkopolski. Preparatory and conceptual work to make the borehole took more than one year, and the drilling was preceded by the completion of three other crossings. Each time, the distance was increased (Pełcz River – 657 m, Ina River – 796 m and Krąpiel River– 980 m). The Warta River crossing was the longest Direct Pipe borehole worldwide with installation of the 1016 mm steel pipe.
Completion time: January 2021 – March 2022
Investor: Gaz-System S.A.
Score: 53
ZRB Janicki
The project involved completion of three HDD crossings in the Oder River course of the total length of over 6000 m in order to install the casing pipe for the VTS fiberglass cable. Three land-water (Landfall) crossings and six water-water crossings were completed. The work was performed as a part of the Świnoujście-Szczecin Waterway Upgrade of to the Depth of 12.5 m [Polish: Modernizacja Toru Wodnego Świnoujście-Szczecin do głębokości 12,5 m”.] The ZRB Janicki team was in charge of the reconstruction: from the conceptual stage to the start-up of and new cable. The VTS fiberglass cable that controls safe navigation needed reconstruction as the waterway needed to be deepened to the level of minimum 3 meters. The HDD trenchless technology was selected for this job in order to ensure that the underwater cliff of the Dębina Isle is stable. The work was performed on land, in water and under water. The ZRB Janicki engineers were responsible for the coordination of operation of two rigs, six watercrafts and a team of divers.
Completion time: June 2021 – September 2021
Investor: Urząd Morski w Szczecinie [English: Maritime Office in Szczecin]
Score: 53
TYTAN in the “Project of the Year – New Installation” category went to GGT Solutions S.A.
At the same time,Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych Gaz-System S.A [English: Gaz-System Transfer Gaspipes Operator]
was awarded the Titanium Investor’s Laurel distinction.
European project within the trenchless technologies
The job was to make the HDD borehole as a part of the fiberglass line construction. The drilling was performed under the Thyborøn Canal in the north-western Denmark. The 6000 feet (1.8 km) long borehole was made. The work was performed under water at the entire length. It was an element of a larger project involving construction of the fiberglass connection between Esbjerg in Denmark and Kristiansand in Norway. At the same time, it is the longest horizontal borehole that has ever been completed in Scandinavia. It was contracted by Bohlen & Doyen.
Completion time: 2021
Investor: Søren Knudsen A/S
Score: 22
GGT Solutions
As a part of the intersystem DN700 Poland – Lithuania gasline, Southern Section, GGTS completed a trenchless crossing under the Narew River. The borehole was made using the Direct Pipe technology with the AVNS600 head breaking the world record in DN 700 steel pipeline installation. The length of the borehole was 884.3m. The drilling head was fitted out with the innovative system for disposal of cuttings based on the E-power pipe technology.
The borehole is the first of many installations to be completed in the country. Implementation of the technology has enabled installation of DN700 pipelines in complicated ground conditions and with much less cover under the crossed obstacles compared to the standard HDD method.
Completion time: July – September 2021
Investor: Gaz-System S.A.
Score: 46
LMR Drilling UK Ltd
As a part of the construction of two wind farms within Dogger Bank Offshore Wind Farms A & B” project, LMR Drilling UK Ltd made four HDD drills under the UK section of the North Sea. Each was 1400 m long and had a minimum diameter of 300 mm. This was the way to build an initial section of a power line. The inshore waters there are relatively shallow, and the coastline is eroding at rates of up to 5m per year. The trenchless construction was selected to protect the underground installation from the impact of tides. Steel pipes were installed in the drills. The drilling was contracted by NKT.
Completion time: December 2020 – June 2021
Investor: Equinor, SSE Renewables i Eni
Score: 35
As a part of a comprehensive task entitled Reconstruction of the Sewage Collector at the Following Location: T. Narbuto and Saltoniskiu and the WWT Plant at the Following Location: ul. Upes, Vilnius”, Sanimet completed the microtunneling job at the length of 970 m with Amiblu GRP OD 1638 pipes. The installation depth was within the range of 6 m – 13 m. So far, it has been the largest project of this type in Lithuania; for Vilnius, this was an investment of major significance. Streets were flooded at every heavy rain, the city struggled with major financial losses. The installation depth as well as very challenging and changing soil conditions, existing underground infrastructure and the location of this job in a dense urban area were decisive for the selection of the installation technology. Dense urban development and little space for preparation of the backup of the construction site accounted for the challenges to be confronted.
This project was awarded the Lithuanian Golden Product of 2021 distinction, inter alia, for being the first so large project involving the microtunneling technology that enabled completion of the sewer in so dense urban area without disrupting urban life and transportation.
Completion time: 2020 – 2021
Investor: UAB GRINDA
Score: 50
Sanimet – Krzysztof Grzywacz was awardedthe statue for theEuropean Trenchless Project.
Project of the year – renovation
Aarsleff sp. z o. o.
As a General Contractor, Aarsleff Sp. z o.o. completed the job entitled “Rehabilitation of the Sewer System in the Zielona Góra Agglomeration” that was a part of the “Wastewater Management in the Zielona Góra Agglomeration Stage 5”.
The whole investment was made up of nine stages of implementation and the rehabilitation covered over 4,200 m of combined sewer system 100 wells and sewer chambers and almost 200 sewer laterals within the range of circular sewers of DN200mm – DN1600mm and egg-shape sewers featuring the following height/width dimensions: 900/600mm, 1200/800mm, as well as pear-shaped and bell-shaped sewers of the following dimensions: 1600/1200, 2100/1700mm.
Rehabilitation with CIPP liners was applied to complete the job. Subject to the pipe diameter and its functions, a relevant technology was selected to perform the rehabilitation job:
* Dimensions of > 800 mm, water-cured polyester resin liners were applied,
* Dimensions of < 800 mm, water-cured epoxy resin liners were applied,
* Laterals – steam-cured epoxy resin liners were applied.
The most exciting and, at the same time, the most challenging installations completed as a part of this job were as follows:
* Rehabilitation involving installation of CIPP polyester resin liner in the bell-shaped sewer featuring the diameter of 2100/1700 mm at the length of 68 m
* Rehabilitation involving installation of CIPP polyester resin liner in the bell-shaped sewer featuring the diameter of 2100/1700 mm with the change in the diameter (seam) into the diameter of 1700/1700 mm at the length of 70 m
* Rehabilitation involving installation of CIPP polyester resin liner to the egg-shaped sewer featuring the diameter of 1200/800mm in which a 300 m section was rehabilitated as one installation
* Parallel rehabilitation of two sections involving installation of CIPP polyester resin liner to the circular sewers featuring the diameters of 1400 mm and 1600mm, respectively, in the section of the combined sewer
* Construction of a by-pass to drain the sewers made up of two DN250 PE pipes featuring the total length of approximately 500 m with a flyover over the roads in the city. Realistic efficiency of the pumps in the by-pass was approximately 1000 cubic m/h. Pumping operation was performed in the construction site for about three months during rehabilitation of the largest pipes. The project site: old town and one of main roads in the city center
* Construction of a temporary roundabout with a by-pass to drain the sewers made up of two DN200 PE pipes featuring the total length of approximately 900 m. Project site: city center, commercial district
Completion time: December 2020 – June 2022
Investor: Zielonogórskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja Sp. z o.o. [English: Zielona Góra Water and Wastewater Plant]
Score: 45
AKWA W. Biskup, M.Fryc Sp. j. Zabrze
The project involved rehabilitation with a UV cured liner. What is noteworthy is, inter alia, a unique cross-section of the liner – alternative diameter min. DN1600 (maximum DN1730). Four sections (51 m, 66 m, 23 m, and 52 m) were installed making up the total of approximately 192 running meters. The project was implemented in Pl. Piastów, Gliwice.
Completion time: November 2021 – February 2022
Investor: City of Gliwice
Score: 27
Blejkan SA
Burakowski Sewer Collector build in 1960s using the mining technology discharges majority of effluent from the left-bank part of Warsaw. Intense operation of the collector partially damaged it, thus the demand for trenchless rehabilitation.
The project aimed at:
– Ensuring reliable operation of the sewer,
– Reduction of groundwater infiltration and effluent exfiltration,
– Improvement of design strength of the sewer,
– Improvement of hydraulic conditions of effluent flow.
All assumed goals were met as a result of the upgrading work.
The construction work was completed pursuant to the FICIC’s Conditions of Contract in the following formula: “Completion of Assembly Work Pursuant to the Project Documentation Contracted by the Contracting Entity”, so called “Red Book” as a part of the following project: “Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment in Warsaw – Stage 5” based on the “Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020” Project.
Completion time: January 2018 – February 2022
Investor: Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociagów i Kanalizacji w m. st. Warszawie S.A. [English: Urban Water and Wastewater Company in the Capital City of Warsaw]
Score: 45
F.H.U Instbud
Record trenchless rehabilitation in Białystok – DN1800 fiberglass liner. Contracted by Wodociągi Białostockie sp. z o.o. [English: Białystok Water Supply Plant], F.H.U. INSTBUD completed the “Ul. Jana Pawła II – Sanitary Sewer Trenchless Rehabilitation” Project in Białystok.
Several sections of ferro-concrete pipes featuring the diameters of DN500 to the record DN1800:
• 3 x DN500 – 16 m each;
• 2 x DN1000 – 62 m each;
• 1 x DN1800 – rehabilitated in two sections – one 52 m and the other of 72 m,
located under a water course and a two-way road with heavy traffic. This project also involved the rehabilitation of five concrete sewer wells (S1 – 2.4*3.6; S2 – 2.4*3.5; S3 – 2.4*3.5; S4 – 2.5*3.5; S5 – 4.8*5.7).
The most spectacular, and the record event at the national level was installation of the DN1800 fiberglass liner. A liner featuring so large diameter has never been installed in Poland before. In fact one may say that this project broke a double record as a record liner was manufactured in Poland to complete the project. It is noteworthy that the in_liner Production Plant is the only one here that has a capacity to manufacture fiberglass liners featuring diameters of up to DN2000.
In case of this installation, apart from the diameter, the weight of both sections of the DN1800 liner was also considerable. The 52 m section weighed 13.5 tons and the largest and longest section (72 m) weighed as much as 18.5 tons. The operations of unloading and pulling the liner to the channel required additional operational capacity, precision and attention not only due to the weight, but also its dimensions. The size of the shaft through which the liner was pulled in and from which the high-pressure air was pumped into it accounted for an additional challenge.
36,000 Watts lamps were used to cure the DN1800 liner featuring the wall thickness of 19 mm. The lamps were the most powerful ever used in Poland to cure the fiberglass liner. This process was performed at the rate of 60 cm/min. Its progress was monitored and analyzed on an on-going basis by experts located in a special vehicle from which the whole process was controlled. When describing this project, comprehensive rehabilitation of five chambers that made up an important part of this task may not be forgotten. The work was performed simultaneously to the sewer rehabilitation.
Completion time: March 2022 – June 2022
Investor: Wodociągi Białostockie Sp. z o.o.
Score: 36
Two companies were awarded the statue in theProject of the Year-Rehabilitation category, namely: Aarsleff and BLEJKAN S.A.
The Investor’s Titanium Laurel was awarded to: Zielonogórskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja sp. z o.o.[English: Zielona Góra Water and Water Company] and Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji w Warszawie S.A. [English: Urban Water and Wastewater Company in Warsaw]
Product of the Year
HABA-Beton Johann Bartlechner Sp. z o.o.
Ferroconcrete microtunneling DA 3800 pipe with PEHD coating, thickness 4mm
It was applied as a retention pipe on Kolektor Wiślany [English: Vistula Collector] – stage 2. Total length: 5,145 running meters. Microtunneling pipes to be installed in a curved section featuring the radius of 600m – 2,000m and straight sections were manufactured. The acceptable pipe pressure is 2.5 bars.
Score: 46
Renovation liner: in_liner 2.1 DN150-2000
The in_liner 2.1 ECR fiberglass liner is designed for trenchless rehabilitation and sealing circular and non-circular gravity and pressure sewers (DN150 – DN2000) featuring the inner perimeter of 6.2 m. It has a broad range of applications; it is used for rehabilitation of sewers made of concrete, ferroconcrete, clay, fibrous cement, glass reinforced plastic (GFK), PVC-U, PE-HD, cast iron, clinker bricks. The liner is 20 mm thick subject to the liner diameter (a custom-made higher thickness liner is available).
Liner design: reinforced external foil protecting against UV, external layer, resin-glass composite, abrasive layer, internal foil. The liner is resistant to inner pressure and chemicals attack.
Subject to the medium in the in_liner renovated pipe, the liner is saturated with polyester resin (UP) or vinyl-ester resin. It is pulled in and cured in place by means of UV or heat to install. A new structural and sealing layer is generated in the renovated section of the pipe. The curing process is performed by means of professional tools and UV lamp equipment. Upon completion of the rehabilitation project, the internal surface inspection is performed using the TV camera and the pipe water test is performed to check the throughput of the pipe after the rehabilitation.
The in_liner 2.1 is manufactured in the in_liner Production Plant in Gdów in the Małopolskie voivodeship opened in June 2019. t is an innovative factory, the first plant in Poland in terms of size that manufactures ECR fiberglass liners for trenchless rehabilitation of pipes featuring record diameters in the Polish market i.e. up to DN2000. The in_liner 2.1 DN1800 19 mm thick liner was manufactured and successfully installed to rehabilitate the sewer system in Białystok in 2022. It is noteworthy that it is the record liner featuring so large diameter, first to be manufactured and installed in Poland.
Score: 45
Long distance steerable pipe jacking project completed in the technology without drilling fluid with the UM-32S battery model.
Score: 28 28
Robert Osikowicz Engineering
Feasibility studies for HDD construction projects of underground pipelines
Completion time: 2015 – 2022
Score: 34
The TYTAN 2022 laureate in the Product of the Yearu category is HABA-Beton Johann Bartlechner sp. z o.o.