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Preparation of trenchless network rehabilitation investments at the pre-tender stage. Necessary step-by-step activities
Beata Nienartowicz
Tomasz Szczepański
The authors of the workshop will discuss the successive stages of investment preparation for trenchless rehabilitation of underground networks. They will point out the importance and need for activities at each stage. They will present selected examples of good practice. There will also be examples of the most common mistakes.
- general principles of network maintenance and management of water and sewage infrastructure – sustainability management
- identification of operational problems, decision-making on the need for renovation
- CCTV inspection and preliminary classification of the task and the necessary scope of repair
- proper analysis of the problem and selection of the implementation path of the task
- scope and method of obtaining the necessary technical documentation
- methodology of technology selection
- preparation of tender documentation
- determination of requirements to be met by contractors and designers
- risks of project failure at the execution stage
- selected elements of acceptance procedures

Public speaking without secrets
or how to control the presentation,
the audience and stage fright?


Adam Bok
Passive corrosion protection of line pipes - product quality supervision key to investment success

Mirosław Cecuga
BlueLine®. Proven, flawless and safe for the local community CIPP technology. New proposals for the Polish market Concentrated knowledge, decades of worldwide experience and the vision of Diringer&Schiedel , Pipe Aqua Tec GmbH, RS Technik AG, Applied Felts Ltd...

Otakar Cigler
Business Development Manager Central and Eastern Europe at Rädlinger Primus Line Trenchless Technology professional with 14 years of experience in sewer and pipeline rehabilitation with various methods. Graduate from Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University...

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Tomasz Fischer
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Markus Gillar
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Mariusz Iwanejko
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Paweł Jagielski
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Jacek Jaworski
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Tomasz Kamiński
Region Manager Hufgard Poland He holds a master's degree in civil engineering and surveying. As part of his business and professional development, he also obtained a construction license without limitations and completed a degree in sales management. He built his...

Atef Khemiri
Contract, which is a "BORING" topic The sustainability of the HDD industry depends on contractors' technical capabilities and performance, but also on their ability to properly manage projects from a contractual perspective. This presentation does not pretend to be a...

Andrzej Kolonko
Intelligent pistons in condition diagnostics of steel pressure pipelines Intelligent pistons are used in the diagnosis of gas and oil pipelines. These are pipelines with lengths of hundreds of kilometers. Their failure could pose a great threat to the environment and...

Mark Kopietz
Residual styrene in CIPP - Material and environmental impacts Styrene serves as a reactive thinner in UP and VE resins. During heat- or light-induced curing of CIPP, styrene leads to three-dimensional crosslinking of the resins. If this polymerization proceeds...

Robert Kostolany
From 2000 to 2019, he worked as product manager of basalt products in sewerage, and from 2019 as commercial director of Eutit, the largest producer of fused basalt in the world. The most interesting realizations of trenchless renovation using basalt

Piotr Kosz
Steinzeug-Keramo's solutions for trenchless construction and rehabilitation of sewer networks

Roland Kośka
Experiences of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in the application of microtunneling technology for the construction of trenchless sections of the gas transmission network Microtunneling is a commonly used trenchless technique by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., the primary technique for performing...

Paweł Kośmider
Absolwent Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie, gdzie studiował Wydziale Metali Nieżelaznych oraz na Wydziale Zarządzania i Marketingu. Od blisko 20 lat związany z branżą bezwykopową – jako wydawca, organizator konferencji i zagorzały zwolennik technologii no-dig,...

Jacek Kulig
I know plastic systems "almost" inside out. I have been engaged in professional consulting in the field of the application of plastic pipes and wells continuously for more than 25 years. I delve into the practical aspects from the side of system use, design, and...

Marek Kupś
President of the Management Board of Zakład Inżynierii Komunalnej sp. z o.o. in Trzcianka. Manager, local government, seeker of rationality, A graduate of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań - a sociologist. On building social PR around investments and more.......

Marian Kwietniewski

Cezary Madryas
He studied at the Faculty of Construction at the Wrocław University of Technology. He received his doctorate in technical sciences in 1982 and his habilitation degree, in 1993. He was awarded the title of professor of technical sciences in 2003. At the Wroclaw...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Cezary Madryas
Studiował na Wydziale Budownictwa Lądowego Politechniki Wrocławskiej w latach 1971–1976. Stopień doktora nauk technicznych uzyskał w 1982 r., a doktora habilitowanego w 1993 r. Tytuł naukowy profesora nauk technicznych nadano mu w 2003 r. Od 2007 r.pracuje na...

Dr inż. Beata Nienartowicz
Preparation of trenchless network rehabilitation investments at the pre-tender stage. Necessary step-by-step activities The authors of the workshop will discuss the successive stages of investment preparation for trenchless rehabilitation of underground networks. They...

Robert Osikowicz
Top 200 - statistical analysis of the largest HDD projects in history The paper shows the industry's experience in implementing extreme projects. The list includes projects completed between 1991 and 2023

Dymitr Petrow-Ganew
Graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Lodz, with a specialization in Heavy Machinery. He is a pioneer of trenchless technologies in Eastern Europe. Since 1993, he has been involved in the promotion of Horizontal Directional...

Florian Piechurski
Comparison of construction costs of gas networks low and medium pressure by different methods Analyses are presented comparing the cost of constructing gas networks for four projects using trench and trenchless methods. These analyses show that for the majority, the...

Paweł Popielski
Professor at Warsaw University of Technology, a specialist in hydraulic engineering, civil and environmental engineering. Head of the Department of Hydraulic and Hydraulic Engineering from 2014 to 2020, director of the Center for Geo and Hydrotechnical Analysis of the...

Marcin Prokop
Public speaking without secrets or how to control the presentation, the audience, and stage fright?

Bogdan Przybyła
CCTV inspection as an important part of ensuring the reliability of sewer network operation Pipeline surveys with cameras (CCTV) are carried out with a focus on different objectives - mention, first of all, surveys related to condition assessment for specific...

Klara Ramm
Investment needs of the water and sewer sector in the context of changes in EU law In recent years, there have been significant changes in EU law in the area of water management. We have a significantly revised directive on the quality of drinking water, which has...

Dr inż. Karol Ryż
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Tomasz Szczepański
Preparation of trenchless network rehabilitation investments at the pre-tender stage. Necessary step-by-step activities The authors of the workshop will discuss the successive stages of investment preparation for trenchless rehabilitation of underground networks. They...

Andrzej Świątek
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Prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Wysokowski
General assumptions for guidelines on the design and construction of facilities using trenchless technologies Today's construction technologies are offering an increasing number of innovative solutions that enable the design and construction of facilities in a...

Edyta Zalewska
30 years of experience in trenchless technologies. Evaluation of the functionality of Uponor Infra solutions after many years of operation

Piotr Ziętara
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Dariusz Zwierzchowski
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Performance by Katarzyna Węglarz
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Shooting range
Partner of attraction
Photobooth 360
Scottish Evening

Partner of attraction
Competitions at sponsor stands and in the Application
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