Thursday, 23 January 2025
Konferencje Wydawnictwa INŻYNIERIA +48 12 351 10 90

About conference

"Trenchless ENGINEERING" International Conference, Exhibition and Technology Shows took place between June 14th and 16th 2016 in splendidly renovated historical interiors of  Water Treatment Plant MPWiK SA in Krakow - Bielany.

The lectures during the Conference, presented simultaneously in two separate rooms, were concerned issues of trenchless (no-dig) construction and renovation.

Theoretical and practical workshops addressed to various groups of specialist took place on June 14th.

discussion panels
During the Conference were three discussion panels on the trenchless technology issues.

technology shows
Conference participants had the opportunity to see the latest technologies during live shows.

An integral part of the Conference was the biggest exhibition of the equipment and devices used in trenchless (no-dig) engineering.

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TYTAN Awards
The unique to the European scale TYTAN prize goes each year to specially distinguishing companies within the trenchless technology discipline.

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Strategic partner

Supported by


  • Andrzej Kolonko

    The possibility of increasing loads over the  underground pipelines constructed long ago

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  • Roland Ko艣ka

    Trenchless technologies: guidelines of the Gaz-System S.A. to work out project documentation with particular emphasis on technological part

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  • Bernard P. Krzys

    Status of the Trenchless Technology Industry and the Future

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  • Tomasz Latawiec

    Whether we should design the trenchless renovation of sanitary and rainwater sewers? Legal and technical aspects

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  • Cezary Madryas

    Trenchless technologies and rainwater retention

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  • Soren Ulrich Nielsen

    Method to replace existing sewage pipes without any excavation

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  • Robert Osikowicz

    10 most important problems arising in drilling fluid application in HDD technology

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  • Piotr Zi臋tara

    The possibility of obtaining EU funds and other options for financing the investment in the new EU perspective

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An integral part of the Conference was the biggest exhibition (free entrance) of the equipment and devices used in trenchless construction, networks rehabilitation and other elements connected with this subjects. The exhibition gave the opportunity not only to see specialized showpieces, but also to get a professional opinion on the practical aspect of the equipment.
Direct contact with the producers and suppliers of the equipment, technologies and variety of services in one place was a chance to improve the quality of the business.

Look at the exhibition plan


TYTAN Awards

The unique to the European scale prize TYTAN, granted by magazine "In偶ynieria Bezwykopowa" [Trenchless Engineering] as well as by votes of the Jury, goes each year to specially distinguishing companies within the trenchless technology discipline, not only from Poland but from the whole Europe. The prizes are awarded since 2003 at the Gala during the annual International Conference, Exhibition and Technology Shows Trenchless ENGINEERING. Last award ceremony took place on 15th June 2016 during the said event, which will be held June 14-16th in Krakow.

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Conference Schedule 2016

To read the papers within a session, choose one of the rooms and then click on the name of a session, or on the arrow next to it.

See the current list of papers

Download PDF file with conference schedule


WORKSHOPS - June 14th 2016 (Tuesday)

11:00 - 12:00
Workshop: Planning of the trenchless construction project

The technology of horizontal directional drilling (HDD)Robert Osikowicz
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) design in gas transmission pipelines projects. Requirements regarding the form and scope of the investment- Katarzyna Ostrowska, ILF Consulting Engineers Polska sp. z o.o.

12:00 - 15:00
Lunch break
15:00 - 16:00
18:30 - 23:00

June 15th 2016 (Wednesday)

8:00 - 9:00
Opening ceremony
9:00 - 9:15
Lectures in the plenary session

Status of the Trenchless Technology Industry and the FutureBernard P. Krzys, Benjamin Media, Inc.
The public procurement law amendment - practical aspects of the of the act with reference to contractors and investorsWioletta Kubica, Municipal Water and Sewage Company S.A. in Kraków (MPWiK S.A)

9:15 - 10:30
Discussion panel

The possibility of obtaining EU funds and other options for financing the investment in the new EU perspectivePiotr Zi臋tara, Vice President of the Board, Managing Director of Municipal Water and Sewage Company S.A. in Kraków (MPWiK S.A)

Technology show

UV-CIPP lateral hat profile installation - BLEJKAN S.A.

Coffee break
12:00 - 12:30
Technical session
12:30 - 14:35
Technology show

Application of 3M Scotchkote 2400 technology - Terlan sp. z o.o.

14:35 - 15:00
Lunch break
15:00 - 16:00
TYTAN 2016 Awards Ceremony
Technical session

Water and sewage networks – the guidelines of selection trenchless rehabilitation methods Tadeusz 呕aba, Municipal Water and Sewage Company S.A. in Kraków (MPWiK S.A)
The right bank Vistula river sewer in Krakow – construction and development dr hab. in偶. Jadwiga Królikowska, prof. PK, Politechnika Krakowska
The costs analysis of water supply network construction using the traditional and trenchless methods dr in偶. Florian G. Piechurski, Politechnika 艢l膮ska
The possibility of increasing loads over the  underground pipelines constructed long ago dr in偶. Andrzej Kolonko, Politechnika Wroc艂awska
Renovation of large profiles - system solution Gunter Kaltenhäuser, RELINEEUROPE
The use of fused basalt elements in the water and sewage network based on selected building sites in Poland Wojciech Koz艂owski, Eutit Polska
3M ™ Scotchkote 2400 Technology using in water pipeline renovation Marcin 艁ukasik, 3M Poland sp. z o.o.

12:30 - 14:35
Technology show

Application of 3M Scotchkote 2400 technology - Terlan sp. z o.o.

14:35 - 15:00
Lunch break
15:00 - 16:00
Technical session

Tightness testing of water and sewage networks Micha艂 Andrzejewski, Gamm-Bud sp. z o.o.
Method to replace existing sewage pipes without any excavation Soren Ulrich Nielsen CEO, Scandinavian No-Dig Centre
Presentation of Amiantit Poland Sp. z o.o.
Trenchless technologies in the aspect of "green" tenders Pawe艂 Torbus, Steinzeug Keramo
Trenchless technologies and rainwater retention prof. dr hab. in偶. Cezary Madryas, Politechnika Wroc艂awska

16:00 - 17:45
TYTAN 2016 Awards Ceremony

June 16th 2016 (Thursday)

Discussion panel

Whether we should design the trenchless renovation of sanitary and rainwater sewers? Legal and technical aspects Tomasz Pawe艂 Latawiec,SIDiR, Niezale偶ny In偶ynier Konsultant, Ekspert i Rozjemca FIDIC, Arbiter

10:00 - 11:15
Coffee break
11:15 - 12:00
Discussion panel

The role of technical standards in the investment process – Robert Osikowicz

14:00 - 15:10
Closing of the Conference
15:20 - 16:20

A trip to the Museum of Municipal Engineering in Krakow (departure by bus from the parking lot)

Discussion panel

Whether we should design the trenchless renovation of sanitary and rainwater sewers? Legal and technical aspectsTomasz Pawe艂 Latawiec, SIDiR, Niezale偶ny In偶ynier Konsultant, Ekspert i Rozjemca FIDIC, Arbiter

10:00 - 11:15
Coffee break
11:15 - 12:00
12:00 - 14:00
Discussion panel

The role of technical standards in the investment process –Robert Osikowicz

14:00 - 15:10
Closing of the Conference
15:20 - 16:20

A trip to the Museum of Municipal Engineering in Krakow (departure by bus from the parking lot)






company stands


feroHotel Fero Express ***
ul. Boles艂awa 艢mia艂ego 60, 30-398 Kraków
tel. 12 390 09 00
Distance from the conference venue: ~4,8 km,
Travel time: ~5 min
GPS: N 50°02'03.28'' E 19°82'47.86''
kolnaO艣rodek Sportu i Rekreacji KOLNA ***
ul. Kolna 2, 30-381 Kraków
tel. 12 259 35 40 wewn. 60
Distance from the conference venue: ~6,3 km, 
Travel time: ~7 min
GPS: N 50°04'67.66'' E 20°00'48.63''

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact us via the form below. WARNING! Please do not submit application for participation via the form below. Application for participation is possible only by an application form.