
Wojciech Kozak

Director of RZGW in Krakow

Crisis communication. Cooperation and coordination of services on the example of RZGW in Krakow

The internet and the huge role of social media in the speed of information in modern communication force the institutions of the public sphere to respond adequately quickly. Such situations primarily concern emergencies. Crises most often occur unexpectedly, so it is extremely important that crisis communication is prepared and planned well in advance.
Managing water management at RZGW Krakow is a difficult and demanding process, and crises affect almost every area of the institution’s operation. These include floods and droughts, the magnitude and scale of pollution of our rivers in the form of illegal outlets, sewage discharge or littering of rivers, the tarification process, inspections of water permits, or compliance with environmental standards.
Using crisis communication tools, RZGW in Krakow cooperates with other services at different levels of the institution’s management, and the effectiveness of communication activities translates into minimising and reducing crises.

As of February 2024, Director of the Regional Water Management Board in Krakow.
He graduated from the Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and completed postgraduate studies in healthcare management at the Cracow University of Economics and Computer Science.
Since 1986 Director of Trade at ARPIS in Krakow.
From 1991 to 1996 he was President of the Board of the District Horticultural and Apiculture Cooperative in Brzesko, then from 1996 to 2002 President of the Board of the Powszechna Spółdzielnia Spożywców in Wieliczka.
Since 2002 served as deputy director at the Małopolska Regional Inspectorate of Trade Inspection.
Councillor of the Wieliczka district for the 3rd and 4th term. Vice-Chairman of the Wieliczka County Council.
Member of the Małopolskie Voivodeship Executive Board for the third term, where he was responsible for, among other things, health care, social policy, environmental protection, drainage and flood control infrastructure, and rural development.
He was a member of the ‘Save Polish Hospitals’ team of the Government Programme for Systemic Solutions in Health Care and a delegate of the Malopolska Region to the ‘White Summit’.
Between 2010 and 2014, Deputy Marshal in the Board of the Małopolska Region for the 4th term responsible for: health care, social and pro-family policy, flood control infrastructure and agriculture. He also served as deputy marshal in the following term. As a result of the 2018 election, he remained a councillor of the Małopolska Regional Assembly.
In January 2019 he took up the position of agglomeration sales director at MPWiK in Kraków.