
Radosław Radoń

Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie, Regionalny Zarząd Gospodarki Wodnej w Krakowie

Task completion. Exchange of experience and cooperation between RZGW in Krakow and environmental organisations

RZGW in Krakow carries out a number of investment and maintenance tasks, as well as projects aimed at improving the environment.
In all our activities, we strive to adhere to the highest environmental standards. Our investments are carried out under naturalistic supervision. Constant monitoring of the construction process prevents possible damage to the environment. We obtain all environmental approvals well in advance.
In carrying out our tasks, we collaborate with various communities, including the environmental community. The cooperation is based on the exchange of experience, co-creation of projects, substantive support. Good examples of such cooperation are the investments already made in the Malinówka dry reservoir or the modernisation of the flood embankments in Krakow. More joint projects lie ahead, such as the renaturalisation of the Dłubnia River or the flood protection of the Prądnik catchment area.

Long-time employee of the Regional Water Management Board in Krakow. Since 2018 deputy director of the Flood and Drought Protection. His responsibilities include overseeing investment processes and liaising with project financing institutions, e.g. the World Bank.
His work over the years has involved hydrodynamic modelling and flood zone delineation. Researcher at the Department of Forest Resource Management, Agricultural University of Cracow. He is currently conducting research related to the phenomenon of drought in forested areas. Coordinator of activities related to the implementation of the Floods Directive. Co-author of the study ‘Guidelines for Flood Mapping’ commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment (2006).
Manager of numerous courses and trainings on the application of software in hydrology and water engineering.
Participant in numerous national and international conferences on water management.
Co-author of a number of articles and publications on water management.
in 2021 he graduated with an Executive Master of Business Administration