
dr inż. Krzysztof Radzicki

Cracow University of Technology

Technical condition of dams in Poland in the context of ageing, climate change – global context, risks, challenges, methods of improvement

The last few years have seen an unprecedented number of extreme floods and disasters of dam structures, including large dams, around the world, including in Europe. This is an issue that is directly linked to climate change and the ageing of numerous hydraulic structures in each country that has them. In this context, ensuring that damming structures are in an adequate state of safety and maintenance is a major organisational and financial challenge even in highly developed countries. This difficult problem also affects Poland. The lecture will present the latest data on the condition of damming structures (dams, dykes, canal embankments) in Poland and compare it with data from around the world. Associated risks and challenges will be discussed, including risks of non-functionality of entire systems and groups of facilities in Poland. Methods implemented worldwide to minimise risks and optimise maintenance costs of damming structures will be shown.