
dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Witkowski

Zielonogórskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja sp. z o.o.

Experiences of Zielona Góra Waterworks in rainwater and snowmelt management’.

He has been President of the Management Board of Zielonogórskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja for 7 years and has served on the bodies of commercial law companies since 2007.
Graduate of the Higher School of Engineering in Zielona Góra, Poznań University of Economics. Graduate of the Postgraduate Management Academy of the Polish Waterworks Chamber of Commerce at the Cracow University of Economics, participant in the MBA in Public Management. Graduate of the ZWiK Zielona Góra Leadership Academy.
He has held research internships at, among others, the Jeune Chambre Economique (Chambre-Mazamet in France) and the University of Louvain la Neuve (Belgium).
Profesor wizytujący na zagranicznych uczelniach: Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin (2016/2017) oraz Slovak University of Technology w Bratysławie (Wydział Materiałoznawstwa i Technologii w Trnawie) (2017/2018).
Currently Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Zielona Gora.
Member of the Sectoral Competence Council for the Water and Wastewater Sector and the Council of the Polish Waterworks Chamber of Commerce.
Author of publications in plumbing trade journals.