Congress Agenda

*The programme will still be expanded and modified.




8:00 – 9:00

Registration of participants

9:00 – 10:35

PLENARY SESSION: Law and investment financing

Kosmider Pawel

Paweł Kośmider

Wydawnictwo INŻYNIERIA
Piotr Ziętara

Piotr Ziętara

Wodociągi Miasta Krakowa S.A.
Heinz Marcus GWIOP

Anna Czyżewska

National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
Ramm Klara prelegent na kongresie Gospodarowanie wodami i ochrona przeciwpowodziowa

Dr inż. Klara Ramm

Chamber of Commerce "Polish Waterworks"

EU environmental legislation makes risk assessment mandatory. The new Wastewater Directive imposes the need for risk assessment in the context of rainwater and wastewater pollution and its impact on human health and the environment. It is therefore necessary to debate the details of the analyses for both rainwater and urban wastewater management.

10:35 – 11:20

PLENARY SESSION: Panel discussion

The future of collective water supply tariffs, where the issue of tariff regulation is heading

  • Past practice of PGW Wody Polskie in approving water and wastewater tariffs and its consequences for the health of water and wastewater companies
  • ‘Catalogue of discrepancies’ between the regulator and the water and sewerage industry
  • Legislative plans to amend the Act on collective water supply and collective sewage disposal to restore the competence of municipal councils to approve water and sewage tariffs
  • PGW Wody Polskie's new role in the tarification process
  • Anticipated consequences of fundamental changes to the tariffing process for water and wastewater companies and the quality of their performance


Piotr Ziętara

Piotr Ziętara

Wodociągi Miasta Krakowa S.A.

11:20 – 11:45

Coffee break

11:45 – 12:30

PLENARY SESSION: Panel discussion

1. Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 7 February 2024. and its implications for rainwater management in municipalities

a. the prohibition on including the costs of rainwater drainage in the calculation of tariffs, b. the consequences of the judgment for water and sewerage companies and municipalities, c. the impact on the price of collective sewage disposal.

2. panel discussion with representatives of water and sewerage companies


Piotr Ziętara

Dr Jędrzej Bujny

Kancelaria Bujny prawo dla ekosystemu
Piotr Ziętara

Grzegorz Gałabuda

SID Szkolenia i Doradztwo sp. z o.o.

12:30 – 13:00

Coffee break

13:00 – 15:00


Agnieszka Gądek prelegent na kongresie Gospodarowanie wodami i ochrona przeciwpowodziowa

Marcin Łukaszewicz

Wodociągi Miasta Krakowa S.A.

Climate change is also inevitably knocking on the door of single-family homes. Watering backyard lawns and flowerbeds due to the increasingly prolonged high temperatures can start to become costly. It is also not the best solution to ‘waste’ treated water for consumption. So, let's build rainwater tanks - let's reuse rainwater - let's keep the water where it fell. And here comes the first fundamental question - is it worth it?

Marcin Czerwinski prelegent GWIOP2023

Łukasz Pawlik

Zarząd Zieleni Miejskiej w Krakowie

The reconstruction of Krupnicza Street in Kraków, completed in May last year, is an example of innovative green retention solutions that could become a model for other urban projects. The historic street gained a new face thanks to the planting of 39 trees (bird cherry and black alder), the introduction of thousands of shrubs and perennials, and the installation of rainwater tanks. The project includes rain gardens, which not only slow down the run-off of water, but also retain it, reducing the load on the city's sewer system. The woonerf concept, with traffic calmed and shared space for pedestrians and cars, combined with green infrastructure, helped to create a welcoming urban space. The redevelopment also included the installation of urban furniture, car parks and information boards highlighting the historical significance of the street.

Another example of green retention in the completed investments of the Urban Greenery Management Board in Krakow is the Wisława Szymborska Park, opened last year. The park, located in a 19th-century development at the back of the former Francis Joseph barracks, combines historical values with modern solutions of green and blue infrastructure. The park is an oasis of relaxation and contemplation, designed as a sequence of interpenetrating garden interiors, with a unique selection of plants and space tailored to the needs of different social groups. The park includes a retention area for water collected from the roof of the Provincial Library next door, and a system of reservoirs with residing water treated by a hydrophytic treatment plant, which is also one of the park's attractions.

The well-known ‘Gardens of the Cracovians’ project, implemented by the Board of Urban Greenery, aims to create small, friendly green spaces in urban areas. In Krakow, 44 such spaces with a total area of about 12 ha have been realised in recent years. Like the Krakow Gardens project, the plan for creating green retention is to implement numerous small-scale solutions throughout the city, thus achieving economies of scale and significantly improving rainwater management. At the same time, we are looking at the potential for larger projects in which green retention will become the primary rainwater harvesting system, especially during heavy rainfall. This comprehensive approach will allow us to apply for infrastructure funding from European Union programmes such as the Fenix programme, thus supporting the development of green and blue infrastructure in Krakow. The update of the Directions for the Development and Management of Green Areas in Krakow for 2019-2030 includes the mapping of retention potential and the setting of water retention tasks.

Green retention in Krakow, through innovative projects such as those at Krupnicza Street and Szymborska Park, not only improves the quality of life for residents, but also responds to the challenges of climate change. Through a sustainable approach that integrates green infrastructure into the urban landscape, Krakow is becoming an example of modern urban water management.

Marcin Czerwinski prelegent GWIOP2023

Agnieszka Wrzesińska

Orbia Building & Infrastructure (Wavin)

‘Disposing’ of rainwater during heavy rainfall, without having to put it into the sewer system, is a key issue when we talk about adapting cities to climate change. The second issue is its use during dry periods. Through the use of technical solutions such as blue-green retention roofs or systems that facilitate the growth of tree roots under sealed, traffic-laden pavements, we gain the ability to maintain an adequate level of rainwater balance in a closed loop, as well as supporting greenery, which has a significant impact on people's health and quality of life.

Robert Sołtysik GWIOP2023

Maciej Pawlak


The challenge of the 21st century is rainwater management. Sudden downpours can lead to localised flooding. Especially in the city, where most of the pavement is sealed and does not allow rainwater to seep naturally into the ground. After months of work, Poznan residents and tourists can walk on the renewed pavement. It is worth paying attention to the installations invisible to the eyes, i.e. those that have been placed under the surface of the pavement. In the course of the paper, it will be possible to find out, among other things, what design challenges the HAURATON team faced in relation to rainwater management and how they were dealt with.

15:00 – 16:00

Lunch break

16:00 – 18:30

EXCURSION: In the footsteps of Krakow's green-blue infrastructure

As a city rich in history and culture, Krakow also harbours remarkable examples of sustainable water management and engineering. During the 3rd Water Management and Flood Protection Congress, participants will have the opportunity to experience a unique technical tour of Krakow’s green oases. The planned tour, combining modern developments with the city’s history, will provide an unforgettable experience and valuable knowledge.

The first point of our journey will be Axentowicz Square, where participants will have the opportunity to see innovative approaches to counteracting the effects of i.e. urban heat islands. The misting jets and rain garden featured in the square not only aesthetically enhance the space, but also support the microclimate, providing natural cooling on hot days.

We will then proceed to Wisława Szymborska Park, where the involvement of residents in civic budget projects has helped to transform a former parking area into an oasis of green biodiversity. Water features, such as streams and reservoirs, not only add variety to the landscape but also support the local microclimate and rainwater retention.

The next stop will be Krupnicza Street, where the revitalisation of the urban space combined with the use of rain gardens and rainwater tanks reflects an advanced approach to climate change adaptation. It is an ideal place to see how shared spaces can harmoniously combine communicative and ecological functions.

It is impossible to omit the Main Square, the central point of Krakow, where projects from the civic budget supporting urban greenery are implemented with the concern of preserving the historical values of the place (sustainable management of public space can support both culture and ecology).

At the end of our tour, we will visit the Barbakan and the surrounding Planty Park, which not only protects a historic part of the city, but also plays a role in protecting biodiversity and supporting the microclimate in the heart of Krakow.

19:30 – 23:00

Barbecue dinner

Hotel Forest



9:00 – 11:00



dr inż. Krzysztof Radzicki

Cracow University of Technology

The last few years have seen an unprecedented number of extreme floods and disasters of dam structures, including large dams, around the world, including in Europe. This is an issue that is directly linked to climate change and the ageing of numerous hydraulic structures in each country that has them. In this context, ensuring that damming structures are in an adequate state of safety and maintenance is a major organisational and financial challenge even in highly developed countries. This difficult problem also affects Poland. The lecture will present the latest data on the condition of damming structures (dams, dykes, canal embankments) in Poland and compare it with data from around the world. Associated risks and challenges will be discussed, including risks of non-functionality of entire systems and groups of facilities in Poland. Methods implemented worldwide to minimise risks and optimise maintenance costs of damming structures will be shown.

Dr inż. Radosław Stodolak

dr inż. Radosław Stodolak

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences

The issue under discussion concerns the hydrological and hydraulic consequences associated with the transformation of the hydrographic network in areas undergoing urbanisation. Changes to the river system in selected cities over the last few centuries were analysed.

Thorsten Schulte

Radosław Radoń

Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie, RZGW w Krakowie

RZGW in Krakow carries out a number of investment and maintenance tasks, as well as projects aimed at improving the environment. In all our activities, we strive to adhere to the highest environmental standards. Our investments are carried out under naturalistic supervision. Constant monitoring of the construction process prevents possible damage to the environment. We obtain all environmental approvals well in advance. In carrying out our tasks, we collaborate with various communities, including the environmental community. The cooperation is based on the exchange of experience, co-creation of projects, substantive support. Good examples of such cooperation are the investments already made in the Malinówka dry reservoir or the modernisation of the flood embankments in Krakow. More joint projects lie ahead, such as the renaturalisation of the Dłubnia River or the flood protection of the Prądnik catchment area.

Marcin Czerwinski prelegent GWIOP2023

Marcin Czerwiński

BBA Pumps PL Sp. z o.o.

Mobile pumps are a key tool in flood relief operations, enabling flooded areas to be drained quickly and efficiently. Thanks to their mobility, they can be quickly transported to areas most at risk of flooding. Tractor shaft-driven solutions - mobile tractor pumps - are able to reach even hard-to-reach areas. The high capacity of these pumps allows large volumes of water to be pumped in a short time, which is extremely important in emergency situations. They can be used in both agricultural and urban areas, adding to their versatility. They are relatively simple to operate, allowing them to be deployed quickly even by less experienced staff. They work reliably for long periods of time, which is crucial during prolonged rescue operations. Thanks to their efficiency and ease of use, mobile tractor pumps are indispensable in emergency management. They are the foundation of effective flood control measures, minimising damage and protecting property and human life.

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee break

11:30 – 13:30


Paweł Dąbrowski prelegent na kongresie Gospodarowanie wodami i ochrona przeciwpowodziowa

Witold Sumisławski

Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of Wrocław and MPWiK S.A. for Stormwater and Drainage Management

The talk will focus on the universal challenges of stormwater management faced by small projects as well as large construction projects. Common issues will be presented, such as the punctuated approach and lack of water balances, the risk of flooding and urban flooding versus mpgs, the overloading of GWO infrastructure and the impact of climate change. We will discuss practical methods and strategies that can be applied regardless of the scale of the development to effectively manage rainwater. The presentation will be based on an analysis of real cases and will provide tools and tips that can help everyone involved in construction projects.

Paweł Dąbrowski prelegent na kongresie Gospodarowanie wodami i ochrona przeciwpowodziowa

Tomasz Zwarzany


In his presentation, the speaker will address the following themes:

  • The new reality - climate change, increasing urbanisation, energy transition - how to solve the ‘water’ crisis,
  • A little about us - we are AMIBLU,
  • Urban areas - new challenges - wastewater solutions, drinking water solutions,
  • Rural areas - new challenges - irrigation,
  • The new solution: GRP - durable for generations.
Paweł Dąbrowski prelegent na kongresie Gospodarowanie wodami i ochrona przeciwpowodziowa

Mariusz Iwanejko


This presentation will outline methods for trenchless repair of traffic culverts. The advantages of trenchless repairs without having to dig up streets, roads and other traffic routes will be shown. A video of the repair and construction of the largest road culvert of 3x4m using GRP pipe modules will be shown.

Paweł Dąbrowski prelegent na kongresie Gospodarowanie wodami i ochrona przeciwpowodziowa

Edyta Zalewska

Uponor Infra sp. z o.o.

Presentation of the conclusions of the scientific article ‘Impacts of stormwater pipe materials and pipe repairs on stormwater quality: a review’, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:118065-118077, by researchers at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. It provides an overview and summary of more than 200 scientific publications on the topic covered.

13:30 – 14:30

Lunch break

14:30 – 16:30

SESSION: Education and communication

Paweł Dąbrowski prelegent na kongresie Gospodarowanie wodami i ochrona przeciwpowodziowa

Wojciech Kozak

Director of RZGW in Kraków

The internet and the huge role of social media in the speed of information in modern communication force the institutions of the public sphere to respond adequately quickly. Such situations primarily concern emergencies. Crises most often occur unexpectedly, so it is extremely important that crisis communication is prepared and planned well in advance Managing water management in the RZGW Krakow area is a difficult and demanding process, and crises affect almost every area of the institution's functioning. These include floods and droughts, the magnitude and scale of pollution of our rivers in the form of illegal outlets, sewage discharge or littering of rivers, the tarification process, inspections of water permits, or compliance with environmental standards. Using crisis communication tools, RZGW in Krakow cooperates with other services at different levels of the institution's management, and the effectiveness of communication activities translates into minimising and reducing crises.

Discussion panel: Education and communication

20:00 – 2:00

Gala ceremony, TYTAN 2024 awards

Przegorzaly Castle



10:00 – 12:00

EXCURSION: Cruise on the Vistula River

During the 3rd Water Management and Flood Protection Congress, participants will have the opportunity to take part in a cruise on the Vistula on board the comfortable ship Horyzont. The planned tour, combining modern developments with the city’s history, will provide an unforgettable experience and valuable knowledge.

The route of the one-hour cruise includes a departure from the marina in the direction of the Jubilat department store and the Dębnicki Bridge, built in the years 1887-1888. The ship will then sail towards Wawel Castle and Zakole Wisły (Vistula River bend), where in 1938 intensive works were carried out to rebuild the Vistula riverbed under Wawel Castle forced by numerous floods. The promontory at Dębniki piled up water that repeatedly poured into the city, on top of which it washed up the bank on the Wawel side. The Vistula bend was profiled, the headland shortened, and a while earlier the Rożnowski Villa standing on it was demolished because there would no longer be room for it. There, the ship will turn around and tour participants will be able to see the Vistula Boulevards built between 1907 and 1913, which are historic hydrotechnical structures with a flood control function in Krakow along the Vistula, originally also intended to serve as auxiliary harbour wharves. They mainly consist of retaining walls (an upper, high wall, and a lower wall that captures the riverbed and forms the loading quay). In the line of the upper walls there are brick field stairs for pedestrians and cobbled ramps for vehicular traffic; the railway sidings on the lower level do not survive.

Then the ship will sail successively under the Grunwaldzki Bridge, past the Pauline Monastery in Krakow Na Skałce, the FORUM Hotel, under the Piłsudski Bridge, along the Father Laetus Bernatek foot and cycle bridge, Powstańców Śląskich Bridge, the new railway bridge in Zabłocie (railway line no. 91 Kraków-Medyka), the Kotlarski Bridge and the railway bridge in Dąbie (railway line no. 100 Kraków Mydlniki – Kraków Bieżanów), heading for the Dąbie water level.

From there, it will head to the marina again.