
Marcin Łukaszewicz

Wodociągi Miasta Krakowa S.A.

Microretention in single-family housing – good practice or regulation?

Climate change is also inevitably knocking on the door of single-family homes. Watering backyard lawns and flowerbeds due to the increasingly prolonged high temperatures can start to become costly. It is also not the best solution to ‘waste’ treated water for consumption. So, let’s build rainwater tanks – let’s reuse rainwater – let’s keep the water where it fell. And here comes the first fundamental question – is it worth it?

Graduate of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering at the Cracow University of Technology, specialising in Municipal Engineering. Since 2010 works at the Sewer Network Department of MPWiK S.A. in Kraków. It specialises in trenchless rehabilitation of sewer networks. He currently serves as director of network infrastructure.