Amiblu Poland Sp. z o.o.

Dariusz Kosiorowski, Amiblu Poland Sp. z o.o.
Engineering aspects of implementation of the flagship microtunnelling projects on the example of microtunnelling Vilnius Narbutto, EC Żerań and Czajka Treatment Plant
Recent years have made it possible to use the full range of trenchless GRP pipe applications. These pipes are successfully used in pressure and non-pressure installations. Depending on the project conditions, different technical parameters are decisive for the selection of material.
What all Amiblu’s flagship projects have in common is their strategic nature. The design and successful execution of pipelines is based on engineering knowledge, knowledge of product features, positive past experience and professional support from the piping system supplier.
The conference is an excellent place to share good practices with all participants of the construction process to enable better execution of even larger projects.