dr. inż. Dariusz Zwierzchowski, Centrum Badań i Certyfikacji sp. z o.o.
Since the 90. an academic teacher and researcher, firstly at Kielce University of Technology, then at Higher Engineering School of Safety and Labor Organization in Radom. President of Centre for Testing and Certification in Kielce. He authored many projects, expertises, technical opinions and scientific articles. Co-organizer of many domestic and international conferences.
Overview of the CIPP market in Poland based on research
The thesis will be put forward during the paper: more and more research is being carried out, which is a good trend. Next, the standards for testing plastics will be discussed, taking into account how many tests are performed and which standard. Statistically, it will show how many samples are obtained – broken down into liner material, type of resin, diameters, wall thickness, expected SN, etc. The author will present statistics on test results, discuss unusual tests – e.g. long-term tests and the first conclusions based on them. Finally, he will summarize the collected data and attempt to evaluate it.