TYTAN Awards


The unique to the European scale prize TYTAN, granted by magazine "Inżynieria Bezwykopowa" [Trenchless Engineering] as well as by votes of the Jury, goes each year to specially distinguishing companies within the trenchless technology discipline, not only from Poland but from the whole Europe.

Domestic companies win the prize since 2003, in the following categories: design of the year – new installation; design of the year – renovation; small trenchless design, product of the year; company of the year and companies from Europe can be the winners since 2004 in the category "European project within the trenchless technologies". This especially important category for the European companies has been created in order to appreciate achievements of the companies, thus popularize the operations and development within the trenchless technology.
It is an honour for us that this prize is also recognized outside Poland. This is manifested by the presence at the annual prize awards of the representatives of nominated companies from abroad.

It is worth to mention that the nominated projects are evaluated by the Jury consisting of independent, remarkable professionals representing technical universities as well as trade associations, which fact also speaks for uniqueness of this trophy.

The prizes are awarded at the Gala during the annual International Conference, Exhibition and Technology Shows Trenchless ENGINEERING.

Principles of the prize awarding
Each year, winners in individual categories are selected among the companies nominated to the prize by the magazine “Inżynieria Bezwykopowa” [Trenchless Engineering]. They are emerged by voting of the Jury consisting of specialists from the best Polish universities and trade associations as well as of representation of the two-monthly magazine. The Jury has a point pool at the disposal: 7, 5, 3, 2, 1 that is distributed among five nominated companies in each category. Companies having the most points win.

The winners were announced on 7th June 2017 during the Gala Dinner in course of the 15th International Conference, Exhibition and Technology Shows Trenchless ENGINEERING 2017.


  • Dr inż. Andrzej Kolonko - Wrocław University of Technology
  • Mgr inż. Paweł Kośmider - „Trenchless Engineering” magazine
  • Prof. dr hab. inż. Marian Kwietniewski - Warsaw University of Technology
  • Prof. dr hab. inż. Cezary Madryas - Rector of Wrocław University of Technology
  • Dr inż. Florian Piechurski - Silesian University of Technology
  • Dr inż. Teresa Nowak - University of Zielona Góra
  • Dr inż. Karol Ryż - AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Dr hab. inż. Adam Wysokowski - University of Zielona Góra
  • Dr inż. Dariusz Zwierzchowski - Higher Engineering School of Work Safety and Organization in Radom (WISBIOP)


Nominees and winners in the following categories:

Project of the year – new installation

ABIKORP Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Inżynieryjnych sp. z o.o. for constructing the stormwater sewage system (DN1000, total length: 1047 m) in Łomża. The structure was installed by microtunneling (the distance of 723 m) and in the open trench (the distance of 324 m). The microtunneled distance was divided into four sections: 224,5 m; 236,5 m; 83 m; 179 m.    27 points
    Investor: City of Łomża
NAWITEL sp. z o.o. sp.k. for the first – in Poland – HDD coastline crossing (over 1 km – 1433 m). The works were a part of the DN100 offshore waste gas pipeline project. It is the longest crossing of this type under the Baltic see, designed and executed by a Polish company.    35 points
    Investor: LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A.
PPI CHROBOK S.A. for the first – in Poland – trenchless DN1000 crossings with a total length of 3,4 km. The works were a part of  the high pressure gas pipeline  Czeszów–Wierzchowice installation. The Direct Pipe method was used for the first time in Poland, for both of the crossings. The HDD drilling lengths amounted to: 464 m i 700 m (it was one of the longest Direct Pipe crossings for 40’’ pipes in the world.    53 points
    Investor: Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych Gaz-System S.A.
Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Inżynieryjnych INKOP sp. z o.o. for the wastewater channel installation by microtunneling method in Warsaw. As a part of this project a sanitary collector was installed with a total length of 3095 (3043 m of DN800 pipes, 52 m of DN400 pipes). The project execution was vital to the orderly functioning sewerage system in Targówek and Białołęka in Warsaw.     21 points
    Investor: Warsaw Waterworks
ZRB Janicki for the Odra River HDD crossing and the 15kV cable line installation (The EcoGenerator project) in Szczecin. The length of the crossing amounted to 1082 m. It is the longest multipipe HDPE installation (3 x200 mm) in Poland. Also, the innovative Watucab method was used for the cable line installation for the first time.    26 points
    Investor: Zakład Unieszkodliwiania Odpadów

Small trenchless project

Górnośląski Zakład Obsługi Gazownictwa sp. z o.o. for the trenchless steel gas DN250 pipeline renovation under the Vistula River in Kraków by the Primus Line method. One of the trenches was localized on the line between the river and the land. The contractor was constantly fighting the huge water intrusion. The installation took 10 hours.    35 points
    Investor: Polska Spółka Gazownictwa sp. z o.o. w Warszawie Oddział w Tarnowie
Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Inżynieryjnych INKOP sp. z o.o. for the reinforced concrete DN1200 pipeline on the distance of 138 m by the microtunneling method. The construction took place under the Bukowno-Bór Biskupi in Bukowno road (Lesser Poland).    47 points
    Investor: DB Schenker Rail Polska S.A.
ZRB Janicki for the DN500 high pressure pipeline under the Skrwa River in Radotki (near Płock). Total length amounted to 336 m. Overband height – which was a record – amounted to 16 m.    53 points
    Investor: Gaz-System S.A.

European trenchless technology project

A. Hak Leidingbouw B.V. for the pipe-in-pipe rehabilitation of a 45-kilometer production water pipeline for NAM at the Schoonebeek gas field. The renovation included HDPE pipe installation, inside of the existing, curved pipeline. The maximum length of the pipes amounted to 1,5 km.    40 points
Brandenburger Liner GmbH & Co. KG. for one of the biggest sewer renovations in Finland. For the 620 m channel in Helsinki a DN1350 liner was used, weighing in total 96 tonnes. The longest distance amounted to 145 m and weighed 24 tonnes. The execution took 10 days.    28 points
HDI for performing the drilling on the distance of 1,1 km for the TANAP project (Trans Anatolian Pipeline). The installation was executed under the Seman River in Fier, Albany. The coverage under the riverbed was designed for 26 m.    25 points
LMR Drilling for executing two Danube crossings on the distance of 2,1 km on the Romanian and Bulgarian border using the HDD method. The DN500 gas pipeline was installed, connecting the gas systems of Romania and Bulgaria.    32 points
Visser & Smit Hanab for executing four HDD crossings for the TANAP project. They were performed in Ankara area in Turkey for Tekfen Insaat company. The lengths of the particular distances amounted to: 632 m, 599 m, 1104 m and 580 m. The diameter of the steel pipes amounted to 56 inches (1422 mm). The depth of the installation amounted to 20 m.    37 points

Product of the year

Aquaren Panel System (APS) for water supply and sewage network infrastructure renovation – the APS method was created on the basis of the thin-walled GRP panels, in which an infusion technology was used in order to moisten the fiberglass with the proper resins. Thanks to that it is possible to obtain a panel that has the perfect proportion of wall thickness and stiffness. (Aquaren)    34 points
 The smallest recycling unit, Normag® NRC 750 – the system owes the efficiency to the innovative technical solutions that allow both the small size and the oversized space of sifting and also enable equipping the system with the battery of 6 hydrocyclones. (Normag b.v.; Polish representative: Robert Osikowicz Engineering)    40 points
• Tele-optic guidance TSP – tele-optic guiding system for horizontal drilling rigs, that allows performing the straight-lined drilling, longer pilot drillings and the gravity drilling 2,3mm/100m precision. (JUMARPOL sp. z o.o. sp.k.)    54 points
• Double-inhibited drilling fluids system, based on Clay Cutter Pro and Hydro Clay – double inhibition allows a bigger drilling progress in the exceptionally difficult types of clay. (CETCO - POLAND, CETCO Sp. z o.o. S.K.A.)    25 points