Trenchless projects and the new water law.
The urban and construction code.
Non-price criteria in public procurement. Price of the service in reference with the cost of the project.
Are we going to face an investment crisis or an investment boom?
Investment plans of water and sewage and gas companies.
Financing investments.
Methods of contracting trenchless projects.
Criteria for choosing trenchless methods.
Feasibility studies for drilling projects (HDD, microtunneling, Direct Pipe, etc.).
QRA (Quantitative Risk Assessment) methods in drilling processes risk management.
Analysis of the causes and the consequences of the most frequently observed complications and breakdowns.
Renovation of severely damaged pipelines - selected static aspects.
Navigation methods in directional holes –method’s selection depending on the project parameters.
Closed slurry circuit. When we should implement it? How to set it up?
Do we need slurry surveillance? When, concerning the project scale. is it needed?
Drilling fluids disposal problems.
Pipeline tightness measurements.
Renovation of unconventionally shaped collectors.
Selected issues concerning the design of the pipeline rehabilitation liners in reference to the DWA-A 143-2 guideline
dr inż. Tomasz Abel, dr inż. Bogdan Przybyła, Beata Nienartowicz
The goal of the workshops is to discuss the basic rules of designing pipeline rehabilitation liners in reference to the DWA-A 143-2 guideline and the audit work issues.
Discussed topics will include:
• assessment of the existing pipeline,
• rehabilitaion methods in reference with the assessement outcome,
• input data for the design and the load imposed on the liner,
• imperfection problem, technical state III and IIIa,
• determination of the internal forces and dimensioning for operation and mounting,
• calculation scheme
• quality of work assessment
During the lecture there will be discussed rules of liners dimensioning in reference to the DWA-A 143-2 guideline
Executing the water and sewage project in the new legal reality
Moderator: Piotr ZiÄ™tara, President of the Board of Municipal Water and Sewage Company S.A. in Kraków (MPWiK S.A)
Sealing the connections – today and in the past - BLEJKAN S.A.
During the show it will be explained how the sealing of the connections methods have changed over the last few years and how the pipe spot repair systems were extended by one of the most modern solutions, based on UV radiation.
There will be also presented an overview of the methods of sealing with polyester and fiberglass cap-shaped fittings, alongside with the pipe spot repair systems that include a usage of a short sleeve.