Dariusz Ziembiński

Dariusz Ziembiński

The impact of the Public Procurement Law amendment on the non-price tenders' evaluation criteria popularity - the discussion panel introduction
The contracting entity is responsible for the selection of criteria in the contract award procedure. The aim is not to choose the most advantageous offer in the sense of the lowest price, but the optimal offer that will allow obtaining the most satisfying result. As a result of the Public Procurement Law amendment, non-price evaluation criteria (such as qualifications and the experience of persons who will participate in the contract execution) have gained a much greater importance. Moreover, their applicaton in most cases has become mandatory.

Discussion panel moderator: Tenders' evaluation criteria: safe or innovative?

Dariusz Ziembiński, Kancelaria Ziembiński & Partnerzy
Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz graduate, specialist in public procurement law. He runs an advisory firm that provides comprehensive legal services for both contracting entities and contractors engaged in public tenders. He represents clients before the National Appeals Chamber, common courts and committees. He conducts trainings and seminars. He is an active lobbyist for rational changes to the Public Procurement Law. He works with non-governmental organizations that associate individual business sectors seeking to co-regulate the legal framework for public expenditure procedures.