Dipl.-Ök. Roland W. Waniek, IKT – Institut für UnterirdischeInfrastruktur gGmbH
Managing Director of IKT (Institute for Underground Infrastructure) seated in Gelsenkirchen (Germany).
Institute for Underground Infrastructure is a neutral, independent non-profit institute, and works on solving practical and operational issues concerning underground sewers, pipes and other conduit engineering, its primary focus being on sewer systems.Waniek – Bochum University graduate and later Bochum University employee, appointed as managing director of IKT in 1999 r. – specializes in infrastructure and economy of water and in the public utility facilities.
Comparative tests of manhole shafts renovation methods
Can wastewater manholes be rehabilitated so that they remain permanently water-tight? There is, indeed, little point in rehabilitating wastewater pipes without paying attention to the numerous defective manholes. This is particularly true in water infiltration zones, since a really watertight sewer network can only be achieved provided the manholes are also rehabilitated. What are the benefits and the draw-backs of mortar coating, plastic coating and lining. What quality can be expected? This first comparative product test in this field gives you the answers.