Robert Osikowicz, ROE
AGH University of Science and Technology graduate. His professional activity includes HDD technology and practical application of drilling fluids. He is also interested in feasibility, risk, quality and cost analysis for trenchless projects.
He has worked in oil companies and consultancy companies in the field of drilling and related techniques. Since 2009 he has been working for Robert Osikowicz Engineering. He publishes in magazines: Trenchless Engineering, GDMT geoengineering roads bridges tunnels, Baltic Transport Journal. He is the author of over a dozen papers delivered at international conferences. For many years he has conducted training seminars for drilling companies. He is a member of the DCA Drilling Contractors Association that gathers drilling companies, design studios and manufacturers of equipment and technology suppliers for the boring industry.
Optimization of Drilling Process Based on real HDD Projects
The paper presents the methodology of taking actions and potential areas for effective optimization of the drilling process. The analysis covered a series of HDD projects made in the DN1000 standard deployed in the years 2016-2019.