dr Henk M.G. Kruse, Deltares
Senior geotechnical consult and is working in the field of underground infrastructure. He is a specialist in geo engineering of pipelines especially in the disciplines of trench less installation techniques and the effects of installation activities on the surroundings.
Horizontal directional drilling: past, present and future
Since the early nineties of last century the trenchless techniques were applied more often. Especially the horizontal directional drilling technique became very popular. Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is one of the fastest growing techniques for trenchless installation of pipelines. On one hand HDD provides a logical alternative when cables, pipelines or small tunnels need to cross roads, railways, dikes, wetlands, rivers and other structures that have to remain intact. On the other hand HDD techniques minimize the impact of installation activities in densely populated and economical sensitive areas. During the past decades major developments in HDD took place. Not only the equipment was improved, but due to the significant increase of the knowledge level major steps forward were token. The developments are ongoing and in the near future further improvements are expected.