dr. inż. Dariusz Zwierzchowski, Centrum Badań i Certyfikacji sp. z o.o.
Since the 90. an academic teacher and researcher, firstly at Kielce University of Technology, then at Higher Engineering School of Safety and Labor Organization in Radom. President of Centre for Testing and Certification in Kielce. He authored many projects, expertises, technical opinions and scientific articles. Co-organizer of many domestic and international conferences.
Construction of the underground structures tests necessary for assessing their technical condition
Underground structures, due to their location, are exposed to many factors that have a destructive effect on their constructions. In order to be able to reliably develop technical expertise regarding the actual technical condition of an underground structure, it is necessary to carry out specialized research on its construction. Currently, there are many research methods that allow us to perform tests in-situ without having to interfere in its construction in order to take samples and examine them in the laboratory.