Roland Kośka, the expert in trenchless technology, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
I am impressed by the organizational scale as well as the broad thematic scope that is being discussed every year during the conference
For several years I have been participating in the “Trenchless ENGINEERING” International Conference, Exhibition and Technology Shows. I am impressed by the organizational scale as well as the broad thematic scope that is being discussed every year during the conference. This is the only time and place in the country where the trenchless technology industry can present itself, exchange views and familiarize itself with new products. Particularly important and unique feature of the event is the possibility of communication among the wide range of investors and contractors working in various construction industries – operators and managers of gas, water and sewage transmission networks, road construction companies, etc. During the conference, you can get information about the needs and projects that will appear or are already being executed.
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. is currently implementing an investment program that requires large resources in the field of technologies such as HDD, Direct Pipe, microtunnelling, as well as pipe jacking and directional drilling. Knowledge and information acquired during the conference, in the field of assessing the possibilities of trenchless technology area, as well as in the area of the demand for this type of works in the country, allows more reliable estimation of costs and contracting works for the construction of gas pipelines.