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An integral part of the Conference will be the biggest exhibition (free entrance) of the equipment and devices used in trenchless construction, networks rehabilitation and other elements connected with this subjects. The exhibition will give the opportunity not only to see specialized showpieces, but also to get a professional opinion on the practical aspect of the equipment.
Direct contact with the producers and suppliers of the equipment, technologies and variety of services in one place is a chance to improve the quality of the business.
Among the exhibits you will find the machines and devices used in such works as: microtunneling; jacking; cracking; directional drilling; drilling equipment, systems for the preparation, conditioning and phase separation in drilling uids; pumps; devices for clearing, inspection and locating the networks; renovation systems of networks and wells; pipes; welders; wires; power generator units; compressors; winches; software etc.

Look at the outside exhibition plan

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 Are you interested in participating in the exhibition? Contact us - phone: +48 660 288 299, e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.