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dr Inż. Dariusz Zwierzchowski

dr Inż. Dariusz Zwierzchowski

What needs to be checked during the CIPP rehabilitation acceptance of the works and why it has to be done? How it needs to be done in order to prevent spending money on the effects we were not expecting? European experiences and recommendations, that is best practices in the light of building site reality

The presentation is meant as a reminder of the basic technical aspects of CIPP technology and materials, as well as the points of critical impact on the renovation's quality and durability. It will be based on the experiences of, among others, IKT (Institute for Underground Infrastructure gGmbH). In the summary, there will be proposed a desirable direction of change.

dr Inż. Dariusz Zwierzchowski, Centrum Badań i Certyfikacji sp. z o.o.
Since the 90. an academic teacher and researcher, firstly at Kielce University of Technology, then at Higher Engineering School of Safety and Labor Organization in Radom. President of Centre for Testing and Certification in Kielce. He authored many projects, expertises, technical opinions and scientific articles. Co-organizer of many domestic and international conferences.