
Marcin Derda

Wodociągi Miasta Krakowa S.A.

Repairs to transit and mainline water pipes at the Waterworks of the City of Krakow S.A.

The presentation is based on the experience of the Department of Water Supply Network in carrying out trenchless repairs of water main and transit pipes within the city of Cracow. It is a continuation of topics undertaken in previous years at subsequent CIPP conferences from 2019 onwards. It focuses on the execution difficulties revealed during ongoing works, despite the process of technical condition assessment carried out beforehand, the typing of sections to be renovated and the selection of the right renovation technology. It demonstrates the need for a flexible and open approach to duct rehabilitation, focused on achieving the goal regardless of the alternative methods used.

Deputy manager of the Waterworks Network Department for investments and repairs of the Waterworks of the City of Krakow S.A.