Construction of underground tunnels as a part of the sustainable expansion of urban agglomerations
prof. dr hab. inż. Anna Siemińska-Lewandowska, Warsaw University of Technology
Since January 2014 Head of the Geotechnics and Underground Buildings Department at the Warsaw University of Technology, Civil Engineering Faculty. For many years Head of the Underground Construction Subcommittee of the Polish Committee of Geotechnics. She represents Poland as a board member of ITA-AITES (International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association). She specializes in the field of underground construction and widely understood geoengineering. Among others, she took part in preparing the expertises and opinions for the first metro line in Warsaw, as well as the assessment of technical conditions of the tunnel on Warsaw’s W-Z route or the assessment of the deep excavation impact on the surroundings (concerning the construction of tall buildings.
Author of many scientific publications and the co-author of many construction and technical projects.