The experiences gained during the preparation of planning permission for the second phase of construction of the East-North section of the second metro line in Warsaw
In January 2018, ILF Consulting Engineers Polska obtained a decision concerning the location of the second phase of the second metro line in Warsaw construction. Currently, a building permit decision is being pursued and a tender in which the contractor will be selected is being proceeded. The designed extension of the currently constructed section includes three metro stations, three track ventilation stations, a TBM dismantling chamber and two twin tunnel tunnels with a total length of approximately 5,8 km. The section of the metro will run through the district of Targówek (with various degrees of urbanization), under existing streets, single-family houses, in the vicinity of multi-storey residential blocks and will cross the Bródno Canal.
During the presentation, the most important issues concerning the underground construction, geotechnical designs of stations, track facilities and tunnels will be discussed. Issues related to the assessment of the impact of deep excavations and tunnelling on the surface will be also analyzed. The methods of reduction of the mentioned impacts on the existing buildings will be also presented and illustrated by the case of the bridge crossing the Bródno Canal and residential buildings located in the immediate vicinity of a deep excavation. The importance of BIM technology and numerical modelling in the context of the implementation of the complex, multi-branch projects will be particularly stressed.
Paweł Sysik, ILF Consulting Engineers Polska sp. z o.o.
Warsaw University of Technology, Civil Engineering Faculty graduate, member of Polish Geotechnics Committee. Over the period of first two years of pursuing his professional career, he worked in Austria as a part of a team that designed NATM (New Austrian Tunneling Method) tunnels and TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) machines. The author and co-author of numerous geotechnical and structural infrastructural projects: communication tunnels, metro stations and tunnels, high-pressure gas pipelines, water treatment plants and industrial facilities. Currently, he holds the position of the Head of the Geoengineering and Construction Structures Team in a design and consulting company. He is particularly interested in numerical modelling of tunnels and deep excavation as well as geological and geotechnical risk analysis in the investment process.