Identification and assessment of georisk in designing and execution of deep excavations
Full and proper identification of soil is the basis of minimising the risk involved in the execution of any project. In the case of underground construction, deep excavations included, it is a crucial factor on which a success of the whole project depends. Properly identified geological type, developed geotechnical parameters and quality control of construction works – in the context of the whole project execution process and in the light of Eurocode 7 – are the most important factors that will have the impact on the fulfilment of the basic requirements and the proper execution of the project. Especially the underground buildings are exposed to georisk and require more attention. In the presentation, the aspects concerning the significance of the accuracy of identifying soil and water conditions, as well as creating the reliable and useful soil model, as the part of the project that enables to identify, minimize and manage georisk, will be illustrated by the examples of deep excavations projects.
dr inż. Tomasz Godlewski, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej; Zakład Konstrukcji Budowlanych i Geotechniki
Faculty of Geology at the University of Warsaw and Faculty of Architecture graduate, obtained PhD degree in Technical Sciences in the field of construction.
Currently, as the academic at The Building Research Institute, he provides the expertises concerning foundings of different buildings, geological and engineering documentation, as well as geotechnical documentation and designs. He authored tens of academic publications and papers on practical geotechnical aspects, especially concerning in-situ testing and geotechnical parameters.
His main academic interest is documenting soil conditions under field and laboratory conditions and the analysis of cooperation “construction-soil”, that is used for execution of deep excavation, metro stations and tunnels construction.