Tunnel construction in Carpathian flysch
The Carpathian flysch is characterized by a complex geological structure and hydrogeological conditions. Its behaviour is determined by the high variability of geological and engineering conditions, a significant tectonic involvement of its centre, the occurrence of old and inactive, as well as active, landslides. The complexity of the rock centre significantly influences the choice of the method of designing, tunnelling and monitoring of tunnels. During the presentation, current experiences concerning the tunnelling in the conditions of the Carpathian flysch will be discussed. Also, the approaches to the investigation of geological and engineering conditions, tunnel design methods research and the methods of assessing the cooperation of the rock mass with the tunnel’s casing, as well as monitoring, will be analysed.
prof. dr hab. inż. Marek Cała, AGH University of Science and Technology
A specialist in the field of geomechanics, geotechnical engineering, underground construction and tunnelling. He is the author of over 120 publications concerning geoengineering, over 300 studies, opinions and industrial projects (some of them were co-authored). He took part in the execution of several research projects that covered the topics of soil and rocks mechanics, the stability of underground objects and anticipating dynamic effects in the rock mass. He specializes in practical application of numerical methods used for solving problems concerning the widely understood geoengineering, construction and mining.